Wednesday, September 18, 2019

One of Those Days

I have to say, this week has been kicking my butt! I got up at 3:30 this morning to finish prepping for an observation I was having today. School generally was hectic. Even though I had a half day with students today, I had PD the rest of the day and I feel like I am being scattered in a million directions! I actually left school right at the end of the day today, and daydreamed about getting home, putting on my cozy cloths, making some tea and just pausing. Instead, I took one child to the doctor's for a strep test (negative!), ran to the grocery to get a few things we were (unexpectedly) out of, made dinner, dropped a car off to my son at his job so he could drive himself home later tonight, walked back home, grabbed my other car to go pick another son up from his girlfriend's house, got home, feed the chickens and locked down the coops, and now I am finally in my cozy clothes writing this blog post. I am sure many of you had a similar, or even busier day! I feel like it should be Friday, but alas it is only Wednesday. Tomorrow is Open House, so that should prove to be a late night. So now, in literally about five minutes, I will be surrendering to my need to not be awake anymore. I will go to bed by 8:30, and it will be glorious!! Tomorrow will be a new day, and my belief that all adults should sometimes go to bed before 8:30 will be freshly renewed. I encourage you to do it too. This might just be the most magical thing I do all week.

P.S. I am aware that I am 7 minutes behind schedule but I assure you this picture will literally be me in T minus 30 seconds...


  1. I love the picture! The opening weeks of schools are so insane. I hope that everything calms down soon.

  2. I love the picture! The opening weeks of schools are so insane. I hope that everything calms down soon.

  3. I could totally relate to all of your running around. Sometimes I feel like I'm on rollerblades--both at school and at home. It is comforting to know that we are not alone, many of us feel pulled in so many directions. But I do wonder what affect this has on our students. On a good day, I hope my acting skills are solid and they don't notice that I feel frazzled. I want to be ready to play the teacher part for them and be in the moment of the learning. Other days, I feel I'm not fooling anyone.
